Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Sutton Courtney Pools

Another quiet day, Kit and Izzy didn't seem to want to go out at all so I took myself off for a walk. Didn't feel up to it physically but I decided to put the principles from my recent therapy into practice and go anyway. Went up to Culham Lock and walked down the towpath of Culham Cut and across the meadow to the old weirs and pools of Sutton Courtney. The last time I did this was one of Jake's last walks when his back legs gave out completely about two thirds of the way to the pools and I had to half carry him back to the car. Today I had to stop numerous times, it took me ages and several people stopped and rather obviously stared at the spectacle of someone on crutches on that route but I got there and back. Admittedly I am now pretty much unable to move at all but hey! I did it.

The little series of pools and the earth embankment (on which grow the trees in the picture) that separates them from the part of the Thames that drove the old mill here date from at least the seventh century when they are mentioned in the royal records of the Kingdom of Wessex, in other words they are older than England.

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