
By tpd


Off to the local auction house to see if they have any wardrobes - we're still lacking in storage.

It's the first time I've been ad it was pretty interesting; some wardrobes we'll bid on by proxy but also some completely random tat: an obviously fake Ibanez JEM7V, a collection of miniatures from 40 years ago, glassware, crockery, a couple of nice Danish chairs in need of refurbishment, K9, the list goes on.

We'll find out on Monday if we won anything...

Dinner with friends in the evening and two firsts: the first time we've had people to the new house and the first time (in a long time) we've had people around for dinner - the constant travelling seems to have put the kibosh on any kind of entertaining but now that we're all back in the same place it's time to start again.

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