Having spend a rather long day in a small, but very well air conditioned room (that was set at 19oC) I didn't get much chance to blip anything while out in Leith.
I did however have an "Oh Sh*t" moment when diagnosing a server issue.
Sometimes you have to wonder the training Dell techie's get (I imagine a lot as they are quite knowledgeable at times), but when diagnosing a degraded RAID array getting me to take the good disk from the array and sticking it in the duff connector to "Test" the issue isn't my idea of fun. Especially when you take the good disk, put it back into the good connector and it finds the disk / NVRAM config to be in-consistant.
What makes it doubly worse is the Dell techie is in India, he doesn't have a Direct Dial and he's not calling you back.........oh bugger.
Nearly sorted now. Engineer and parts on order for tomorrow - not 4 hour response for this client, but then the server is 4+ years old and due for replacement in May....
Anyways, I give you Jasper. It'll be his 1 year birthday with us in the next week or 2!
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