Jessica Katy Kimberley

By Kimbo14

That's not where we left you!

So, Jess is rolling and moving.... A lot! She keeps getting stuck on her front in the cot, and boy is she not happy about it, apparently it's something she'll stop doing soon!
Daddy was playing at home today, so Mommy and Jessie went up to watch him. It was a bit fresh, Jess battled with sleep for the first half, then Mommy used the 'muslin over the eyes' trick, and she went off like a dream. Tegan was up on her trike with her Mommy and Aunty Danne & Laura were watching too.
Jess had her tea and then Uncle Roger appeared, he's been for a trip along the coast of America. He had a quick cuddle with grumpy Jess before Mommy did a runner home to bath Jess and get her in bed.

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