Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Sofa time

As Elliot had been having a cuddle under the blanket Isaac decided that he'd sit under it to watch Fireman Sam (it lasted about 2 seconds before he got up and wandered off)
Elliot is still not right, hideous nights sleep again! Slept till 11 woke up wouldn't settle his stomach was grumbling like made face him a little bit of milk which seemed to help he slept fitfully for about 20 mins and then was awake crying.
He ended up in with us other wise Isaac was going to be the only one getting any sleep. He still didn't sleep very well in with is but at least we all got some sleep.
He's been tired all day has eaten very little and has been very grumpy.

So we got very little done today, I'm hoping whatever is knocking him off kilter does one soon

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