
By Edgey

Exchange Bar Hawick

Looking around Hawick earlier tonight for a Blip I found myself back with this view. I love the quirky little streets Hawick has to offer but this must be one of my favs.
I have Blipped this view before and made it mono ..so thought Id leave this one as I saw it. The height of the buildings when your standing there fascinate me ... I love fascinating architecture
Anyway, recently have been smiling a lot and people are noticing .. Just before I took this I looked up and started smiling .. something just entered my head and I was stood camera in hand smiling at a wall... This guy was outside the pub and asked me what was so fascinating about 'a wall' ... Im a keem amatuer photographer was my only excuse... then he was asking me if I had been drinking some product he didn't know about .. Its maybe October but there a definite spring in my step it seems .. :)

Todays Track ... The lyrics are brill .. gotta love a bit of Tinsley ..

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