A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Back to Reality

Unfortunately the awesome weekend had to come to an end, so I had to head back to Dundee this morning. Surprise, surprise, the train was delayed! Never mind, I had a little Aussie boy next to me, telling me all about how his truck back home is really a space ship with laser rockets thay fire out of it! I wish my imagination was still as good as that, unless of course his truck is a spaceship after all!

I headed straight from the station to the flat to grab lunch before my tutorial on CSI and all the flaws it contains as it makes crime individual and not social. I was then immediately into a lecture on whether killing in war is ever justifiable which I think will make for a good tutorial tomorrow!

I headed to Tesco with Kirstin as she needed to do a shop and I wanted to pick up a pizza for dinner (too lazy to cook tonight) before heading back to flat for yet another night of uni reading! I have however, managed to squeeze the reading for tomorrow's tutorial, a coursework reading and planning said coursework into a few short hours of work so that's a plus! I shall hopefully get some words onto paper for my essay tomorrow.

I finished my book whilst on the train, which means that I shall get to curl into bed later on and delve into a new bookish world which is always good. I think it will be Code Name Verity, but I'm unsure as I never know what book I should pick up next....Rory would say that's cause I've got too many books to read!

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