
Doubling up todays Blip with Angie, her's taken 2 Minutes after mine.

Early this morning I had seen BikerBear's, 3 Trees Blip from yesterday and had it on my mind this evening. Here is a very German answer in Black, Red & Gold, in the right order too and straight out of the camera on Auto but for a bit of exposure compensation and I know Anni doesn't like post camera touching up.

So why Anni on my mind? This morning was on the horse field outside the property with wheelbarrow, muck fork, three horses, two border collies and two frisbees. It is quite normal that the odd car drives past a little slower as Luna & Flash dash through the horses feet to catch the frisbees but todays black saloon was creeping by and only after it past did I see a yellow rear number plate. A minute later it passed again, just as slowly and now I could see there was no driver or rather the person in the car was not where he should be and it must be a UK car. Then a few minutes later the whole thing was repeated. I was at almost the furthest point from the road so couldn't make out much but I think he/she was wearing a neon orange top. Think the car was an Opel/Vauxhall.

My first thought it must be a Bliper but who. Anni is often over here on secret missions (last week I saw) but she always flies and no doubt hires cars. Not a Porsche so couldn't be Angelique, No Red & certainly no Flash to be seen (would have clashed with neon top anyway), No Danish Flag or BC's in the boot, neither Evelyn or MissWFinch touring Europe, Camels are being photograhed in Dubai, Nigel wouldn't be fit to drive if he was in Germany.......puzzled!

Nearly got in the car & followed in the direction of Ottobeuren but as I had an afternoon dentist appointment there, I couldn't be bothered. Dentist visit was hell. Not the work he did but the multiple injections and the horrible things they do to one's ability to move one's mouth properly for hours. Dentist said what he did was probably the treatment needing the most muscle power, more than pulling teeth. Felt like he was breaking all of mine.

Felt rotten afterwards, got home, filled a hot water bottle and was set to collapse when Angie phoned asking if I could pick her up in Buchloe as there had been chaos on the trains. So set off for the 70km round trip. Probably did me good not thinking about the pain. Blip was taken just before we got home.

Repeat performance on Thursday, this time the left side! Today's performance took over an hour.

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