Maulds Meaburn

One of the many joys of doing things with the Minx is her combined level of enthusiasm and organisation. So I shouldn't really have been surprised when, last night, she revealed that she'd sorted out a route for me to run, today, while she went for a walk.

Not that I ran first thing. We woke to this, then made coffee in the moka pot on the woodstove and only after we'd drunk that did we leave the shepherd's hut and head up to the house for breakfast. And, by cracky, what a breakfast it was, a meal that didn't end so much as gently grind to a halt! It was half past eleven before I felt ready to run.

And it was a lovely run, too. The best I've had since I started running again, properly. After I'd showered and the Minx was back from her long walk, we headed down to an exhibition of local artists in Maulds Meaburn, where I took this photo, which is very near Crosby Ravensworth. We had a browse, followed by tea and cake :-)

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