Capital adventures

By marchmont


One of these odd days when you end up with more hours than you stated with.

I started getting the KLIA Ekspres at 12.08 out to a closed airport terminal, the shops that is.

Hung around till leaving at 3.30 and arriving 7 and a half hours later in Doha at 6. The plane wasn't full so having 2 seats I did manage to get a bit of a sleep.

Another bottle of Armagnac and I was on the 8.00 plane, arriving in Edinburgh 7 hours 15 minutes later at 13.15. Had 3 seats to myself at one point.

It was great to get out in the fresh, if chilly, air.

Then home to unpacking, putting past, washing, welcoming the Tesco deliveru and then falling asleep on front of the Big Yin. A long day, good to be home.

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