Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon

The Disappearing Gymnast

Shortly after uploading yesterday's blip, I was preparing for bed when E woke throwing up. Since a preschool classmate had thrown up in his classroom yesterday, it wasn't entirely unexpected, but it is still never a pleasant way to spend a night. Ben and I had no sooner gotten him cleaned up and snuggled into our bed when he threw up again. The dual clean-up effort was repeated. An hour later, again. Poor kid. Another clean-up, and this time he slept through until mid-morning. I stayed home today to take care of him, and when I called his preschool to let them know not to expect him, they told me that four kids in E's class were out with what seemed to be the same virus! (Four out of twelve - yikes!)

E just laid around watching cartoons and sipping water, and didn't want any breakfast, which is completely unlike him, so I knew he still wasn't up to par. Shortly after noon, though, he perked up, asked for some graham crackers, kept those down, and proceeded to get his energy back. By the time we needed to collect A from school, he seemed almost back to normal.

So, we went ahead and took A to her gymnastics class this afternoon, and I was able to snap this picture of her balance beam dismount. Afterwards we ran a couple of errands, including to the local FedEx Kinko's to send off my Chinese visa materials.

Judging by the vigor with which both kids played on the monkey bar in our playroom this evening (while I served as adoring audience member while also working on a sewing project), I think E's health has been fully restored, and I'm so very grateful.

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