Just a smidgeon....

.... off not doing a blip at all today. You know how it is - some days you just don't want to be bothered. But on the other hand I'd most likely be a good deal more bothered if I didn't blip.

But this lady Galah (you can tell she's a lady because she has a red/brown eye - males have black eyes) saved the day for me. We also know she's a girl, because her wing feathers are filthy from going into and out of her burrow. I'm sure she and Dad have a nesting hole somewhere near here.

Galahs, like most parrots, mate for life. And they are extremely long lived - around 20 - 30 years in the wild, and even as long as 70-80 years in captivity. We are so lucky to be able to see these gorgeous birds flying free, instead of being cooped up in a cage.

This pair have been visiting us for years. Just one of the benefits of living in Australia.

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