Anneka Rice

I decided that today I would see if I could drive my car....I could! I don't think it would have been very comfortable if I was in stop and start rush hour traffic mind you, so I'll limit it to easy jaunts for the time being. "When did they say you could drive?" a friend asked I didn't actually ask them. The worst part is getting in and out as it is my right knee. It was fine at home where I could open the door as wide as it would go, but in a car park next to another car...well let's just say it wasn't easy!!

I went down to the Lowry as there is a radio festival on and Ken Bruce from Radio 2 was doing his programme in a pop up studio outside the theatre. I chatted to some of the men there who were part of the crew and one held the flap open on the pop up so I could get a pic. He did say that he is an amenable chap and would probably pose for pics, unfortunately I would have to wait until the end of the programme and I couldn't stand there for two hours...and it was freezing. I was just going to make do with what I had when his guest arrived...the lovely Anneka Rice.

I used to love Challenge Anneka back in the day. Well she was very happy to pose for a few pics for me, I have to say she hasn't changed much at all. The festival is on all day but I'd stood around for long enough so I left then.

Back at the car it was a bit like squeezing a square peg into a round hole, but I eventually got back into the car and drove home. Now I'm going to stick the ice pack on my knee whilst I read for a bit and then I might clean the other half of the front room that I started yesterday....then again, I might not!!

Tomorrow is the 3D biscuit Challenge....I must make my template tonight!!

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