
By DaveH



Spent most of Thursday in the Kingdom of Fife, having hired a car for the day. Really horrible weather for driving, all spray from the other vehicles, with occasional foggy bits. And still nutters overtaking at 90 mph...

Anyway, first went to Largo to see the Auld Yin and Lesley. As is traditional when someone under 50 visits someone over 65, after the cup of tea and cakes were out of the way, there was a tentative request:
"We were wondering if you could have a wee look at the laptop?"
Well, it cost Dad a portrait for my journal, so seemed like a fair deal, really.
He was having one of his better hearing days, too :)

Later on, I picked up M from Kirkcaldy station and we went off to a gig by our old friend Debby McClatchy, touring with the Albermarle Ramblers. Excellent gig, great music and great craic!
Home and straight to bed, so backblipping.

Thanks to all who commented on yesterday, who'da thunk tapioca would unleash such passion? ;)

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