
By Applegate

Blipping Sea Eagles...

Is quite a tricky business when you on quite a small boat! But how wonderful being able to watch two pairs of sea eagles in their home territory of Ben Tianavaig, Isle of Skye. It was amazing watching them so close as they flew and even swopped down to collect the fish out of the water by the boat.

We also saw grey and common seals and a number of seabirds - kittiwake, tern, guillemot, shag, gulls, kestrel... The waters were certainly alive with wildlife, although we had no luck today with porpoise or dolphin, though earlier in the day they'd been spotted, oh well another day.

Now where does it tell you in the photography book about how to manage to take good, focussed shots when you're in a boat which is moving quite a lot (especially up and down!) Good news is that I managed and wasn't seasick.!

Out of all the photos I like the 'poster-like' quality of this shot - it's not been 'tinkered' with but it is purely as it was taken.

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