Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


After a traumatic start to the day.

We asked for an early morning alarm call, and it didn't happen. We woke at 8.45am, our alarm was for 8am. As a result, no shower, no leisurely breakfast, fortunately we had packed most of our clothes last night. Down for a very quick breakfast, complained to reception about the lack of early morning call, and whoever I spoke to on reception last night had not put the request in the book.

Fortunately, from the hotel to E.Croydon station is only a 10 minute walk, bought our tickets and we only had to wait a few minutes for the train. At Gatwick by 10am, but then it took ages to get to the North terminal, then through security. We had time for a quick coffee, and as Roy had some sterling left over he bought me this perfume.

Gate number came up on the board, so off we toddled, only to find that they had put the wrong gate number up, they had put 107 instead of 51. By the time we had discovered the mistake, arriving at 107 to find it was the Easy Jet gate not BA, eventually getting back to the departure lounge and finding our way to gate 51, we were frazzled, and we were not the only ones who had made that mistake.

Then, to top it all, on boarding the plane I found a lady sitting in my seat, instead of the row in front, and the same thing happened to the couple behind us, a young woman was sitting in the window seat in Row 15 not 14. Eventually everyone was boarded and off we went.

I am already missing the twins and Chris and Faye. It was also nice catching up with the rest of my family during the weekend.

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