My 40th year

By 54r4h

Eva's animal party

Sunny morning so we went up to tennis club before India's ballet class. Nina and Katie were sat on the step when we got home so lots of laughing for the next 20 minutes. Nina took the 2 lunatics to a mad science party and Heidi and I went to Eva's animal party. It was so exciting!! A tarantula, python, African land snail, giant millipede, red footed tortoise and the leopard gecko Heidi is intrigued with in the photo were among the animals the children held and learnt about.

I went to Ninas to collect Indy and stayed for a couple of hours having a great time as mr.w was on grumpy form at home! Nina had watched the 2 girls earlier on whizzing buckets of water round and round on her front garden, they'd traipsed water through her house in a leaking bucket then ended up throwing it on next doors roof! All amidst hysterical laughter!

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