Robin, re-visited.
I went early to the gym and saw Roger again. He asked me again to go for a coffee. and i said no,again. I did have quite a few things to do, but i will have to accept one day. I caught the bus home and the weather was grey, so i didn't take any photos. When i got home i went down the shed to put the birdseed i had bought away, and i saw my little Robin again. Luckily, my camera was in my gym bag, so i managed to get a few quick snaps of him. He is visiting our garden every day now, and i do hope he stays for a while. It's my g/daughters 18th birthday tomorrow, so we have to phone her before she goes to school, to sing Happy Birthday to her. She finishes school at 12ish , and we are going out for a meal tomorrow night. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone.
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