autumn colours
An easier day on the work side. No doubt a lull before another storm.
Yesterday saw a work problem resolved - a software development contract. The customer's lawyer was appalling. Just the epitome of all that's worst in the worst of lawyers. His own client was in despair. My client lost the will to live about 2 weeks ago.
He mis-managed things so badly we had 12 drafts of the contract. Yes, 12!
I arrange my work so that I deal with other lawyers as little as possible, and such difficulties are very rare for me.
To celebrate a day without the inevitable daily call from my client about the latest round of idiocy, I went over to Falkland at lunchtime to buy groceries and have my lunch.
Maybe I was vulnerable, but I was so pleased by the warm and friendly staff. OK I'm a regular, but it is amazing the difference a smile and a few words can make.
Another reason for shopping local, and not in a supermarket, where the checkout staff so often have been turned into robots.
The Blip is just a wee remnant of summer which caught my eye as I closed the front door to go out.
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