Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Hide and Seek....

.with daddy on iPhone from Afghan.

Little miss E " hide and seek, hide and seek!"
Daddy ' eh...ok then..."
Me ' Count to ten E, and Ill hide daddy"
Little Miss E ' 1,2,3..."
Daddy " where have you put me!"

Such fun, as Mr C takes up a lot of space so is normally rubbish at hide and seek...tonight however, he was fab. :)

It's a terrible shot in low light but its the only photograph I've taken all day. Full on day at work, full on when home, then van didn't start tonight, so I ended up jump starting it with the little car in the dark, in the pouring rain....I got drenched.

On a positive note, I also did really well in the Exhibition , out of 150 images submitted, four jointly received the highest votes from the public...two were mine.

Time to sit with hot cuppa and manual for my new camera.

Night all


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