
By Norm

Kitchen Fun...

I don't know if you've ever seen those articles that circulate around the internet, the ones with titles like '20 pictures of parents who are having a worse day than you'? They are filled with photos of kids who, left unattended, have coloured their entire bodies with felt-pens, or discovered the pot of Sudocrem and smeared it all over the television. I've always scrolled through them having a giggle and thinking 'thank heavens my child has never shown any inclination to do such things!' *smug*

Well, I'm sure my comeuppance is on the way... Today I left Ted in the kitchen for literally 1 minute while I went upstairs to get something, and came back down to find this scene. He was saying 'roller' and rolling the kitchen towel across the floor, tearing off sheets and strips as he went. Granted, on the scale of possible destruction it's not that high, but it did make me think of the mischief that he is (quite innocently) capable of, and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come!

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