Goat Fell

We have to be on site first thing in the morning to make a good early start. What’s wrong with that? It’s on Arran. From the West Highlands this in an incredibly awkward destination. There are two crossing options; Claonag on Kintyre or Ardrossan on the Ayrshire coast. The former is more accessible for us though still about three hours drive. Also you need to factor in possible weather related ferry disruption.

We crossed from Claonag to Lochranza. It was choppy and the ferry man who took our tickets suggested this may be the last crossing of the day as the wind was forecast to increase and swing to a direction making safe landing at Claonag difficult. Going for a mid morning ferry saw in Brodick by lunchtime, safely early for work in the morning.
What can you do with an afternoon in Arran; easy, easy answer: Goat Fell. This is a near Munro height mountain many miles further south than any mainland Highland mountain. (I exclude Dumfries and Galloway which also has a fine collection of hills.)
The tourist approach does not give any impression of the views that are going to unfold in front of you. From the summit you look onwards and see pinnacle studded ridges soaring in to the mist and emerging the other side, riven with scary looking gullies and cliff edges.
I never thought in a million years I would get to visit this hill and I didn’t even want to say on blip that I had the possibility in case something got cancelled.
We just have the work to do now. If I was picky I would have preferred to do the work first.

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