
This morning I got across to the hospital early enough to take a run before work. I set out with the intention of doing a loop I have done before. Part way into the run I saw the path into Smith's Bush. There was a sign asking visitors to take care as it is an ecologically sensitive area. The path runs beside a tidal creek.

I figured it might be interesting especially if the path was along the edge of the creek. It wasn't. However, there was a cobbled road leading away from the path close to the bank of the creek.

Just as I started to explore, I caught sight of a flash of colour heading into a tree. The photograph I got was too dark. But I was pretty sure what I had seen. Walking closer drove it away. Only to land beside the second one on the cobbles.

This is another species I have photographed this year; Nø 43. Worth seeing the large version

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