Book nook...

I have a book nook. Who needs a bookcase? Ha!

I'm still wading through boxes of stuff but I've cleared out all the books I've kept for yonks but have no intention of reading again. They're in a box ready to go to my Aunty Bett except the filth, they've been set aside for Gemma... my Aunt is 80, I'm not sure she'd appreciate them! The two piles on the right are the to read pile...

I still have three boxes left to unpack. By the time I get round to it, it'll be time to pack it all up again for the painter coming. However, I'm not dwelling on that prospect. I'm going out to my folks tonight for dinner and to stash the excess hoarded junk in the attic... shhhhh.... mainly so I resist the urge to fill that excess shelf space with shite.

Must get my old phone fixed too. Fucking rabbit chewed through the wire.

My flat is taking shape though... out of every shite situation there has to be something good to come. I hope that continues with the theme of shite in my life at the moment.

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