A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A night across the border!

We are briefly across the border in Scotland. We are just here for the night as we are helping son Alex transport some of his 'stuff' south to move into his house.

Not a bad day but we were in the car for most of it. The leaves on the roadside trees were glorious colours all the way and for the most part the weather was fine.

Turning off the A9 to head for the Moray coast we passed through the town of Carrbridge. This is a route we have not taken before as we usually approach from Inverness and I was very taken with the remains of this pack horse bridge over the River Dulnain. My son has pictures of it in the summer with the water covering the abutments after summer storms.

You can see some of the beautiful autumnal coloured trees here too.

We are now in Forres enjoying dinner having loaded the car for the journey home tomorrow!

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