Views of my world

By rosamund


I took Auntie C for a walk up the cut today, despite hearing about it frequently from her parents (my grandparents) this was the first time she had ever been. As with everyone who walks up there for the first time she was just captivated by the view. It was rather windswept and the low clouds didn't make for the best view but it was definitely an exhilarating walk. It's been good to get my body moving these past few days, I did myself a damage the day I walked round the whole of the cut a few weeks ago so I've not been able to walk as much but normal service has now been resumed. I also introduced Christine to the delights of a roll and sausage from the fishing shack beside the cut, surely the finest in all Inverclyde!

By the time we got back it was time for her to head home and for me to go and pick the kids up from the airport. It was so wonderful to be reunited with them and hear all their tales from their week away. An exciting Skype call also made my day, once Carlos solved the initial technical difficulties with the classic "switch it off then on again" all worked beautifully, it's such a fun way to communicate, maybe now I can chat to my friend Anne in Fiji, although I haven't worked out the time distance to Fiji, only to France.

Nice to have everyone back under the one roof, even Jonathon and Fred are here. Happy days!

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