Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux

I'm a Daddy!!!

Well, not really, but my new flash was "delivered" yesterday. I realize that the equipment doesn't make the artist. I mean, you could give me Tiger's golf clubs, and I seriously doubt I could break 100 on a beginner's course. But, I am slowly piecing my kit together, and I am beginning to "feel" like a photographer.

I just got a Nikon SB-600 Speedlight yesterday, and I love it. It is amazing how much difference an external flash makes, especially when you can bounce the light off of the walls and ceiling. I am loving my setup.

A friend of mine at work has the Nikon D90, which is the next step up from my D5000, and she was gracious (and, amazingly, trusting) enough to loan it to me for the weekend. I think that may have been a terrible idea, though...I feel an acute case of camera envy setting in. However, I still love my baby. After all, this is my very first DSLR, so I'm still learning. This is my camera, complete with my Nikkor 70-300mm and my new flash. Isn't she lovely???

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