Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Morning fun and games

Despite us all being a little later than usual getting up, they both finished breakfast with plenty of time to spare. Will persuaded Carys to play the monkey game with him. They used to play it lots and now since the sort out of the conservatory it has been rediscovered as a game they can play without any adult input. Will is delighted in this shot because he has managed to hang a monkey without knocking down the tree. He used to be so clumsy it was rarely the plastic monkey that made the tree fall, more like the human monkey's hands.

Ballet after school as normal. Both seemed to enjoy it. Carys is desperate to start learning an exam dance in one of her classes. I have to keep explaining how there is more content to learn in each grade and maybe she doesn't yet know all the steps she needs to know to be able to perform a dance yet. This is her first term without an exam for ages, but she will learn.

Will is definitely more settled about his pending change of class in November. I think Mrs. L. has been chatting with the group moving and that has reassured him.

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