Blackpool Tower

Many years ago I did a course at Blackpool and decided that it was one of the last places I would choose for a holiday, despite it being one of the favourite places for many Northerners and Scots to have visited before the advent of package holidays. The miles of illuminations are impressive and a popular sight each Autumn as was in evidence when friends took me this evening. Some decorated trams and horse drawn 'Cinderella' coaches conveyed sightseers along the promenade while many people sauntered along or sampled the amusements and fairground rides. Stall holders anxiously looked for custom and hotels advertised 'bargain' offers. The sound of the unseen waves were barely noticeable while strange 'music' came from the Hightide Organ.
It was an interesting evening but for me no comparison to the beautiful unspoilt beaches of my home area. I spent nothing and was tempted by nothing. This was just as well as I discovered I did not have my purse. Fortunately S was able to tell me that it was at home.

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