
By kristalpacific

Los Colectivos

Today I went to Palermo but I didn't get to do much because everything was closed by the time I arrived, and I don't quite have the guts to go to a bar by myself yet. That day will come. Anyway, I decided to snap this photo of people on the bus which is called el colectivo here. Many people take them everyday and they run pretty frequently and can take you to any part of the Buenos Aires province. The best part is that they are super cheap, often less than $5 pesos per ride.

P.S. Please excuse the poor quality of the photo. I tried to take it without anyone noticing so that they didn't feel uncomfortable. Also, I am and amateur photographer and I am purposely not applying any filters or editing any of my photos just so that they are "more real". I just simply capture one moment everyday.

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