Narrowing Boundaries

Patience levels are narrowing rapidly.......

The Cygnets behaviour hasn't been great today and he had to be taken to see the management to apologise after breaking an advertising display on the table at the garden centre (he didn't like that).
Squirrel has emptied her chest of drawers again and is doing everything humanly possible to wind up her brother.

The garage phoned last night looking for a good report on their service.
The guy wasn't too happy when I told him 'No'. Between their failure to get the booking last week, their last collection and delivery back this week, the scratches left on the windscreen during cleaning and the failure to stop the brakes squealing.
He asked me to phone today to arrange bringing the car in to see about the problems.
I did - he was busy and has failed to phone back.
It looks like upper management will be getting a call.

I am looking forward to my night out tonight - I wonder if I can get SWMBO to drive!

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