
By monkus

and so towards some words...

it's been a couple of odd days indeed and at the end of it all i'm feeling fairly lucky to be typing this out...the first thought being that this part of the trip was initially unplanned, the original intent had been to head up to Nepal and Pokhara from whence the anapurnas would be calling...the news that there's been a disaster in which twenty odd trekkers, so far, are dead...but for chance that would have been where i was, where i had hoped to be...

and then yesterday we went off to a waterfall about 80km outside of kanchananburi...thought it would be good fun to go on a sidecar taxi and it was indeed...wonderful scenery, a truly beautiful area of limestone hills with a river running through them...and then on the way back, about 20km from town, dave noticed that there was a problem with the wheel...does that wheel look right to you he asked as another creaking cracking clang came from beneath the it didn' looked like a circular shape in denial, attempting to create anything in the physical lexicon which could not be considered circular and rubbing against the shock absorbers in order to end it's time as a wheel when it got bored of its attempts to create the outline of a mobius strip...the driver laughed...we paled...the driver laughed...then he stopped...the spokes were snapping at an infeasible rate...we moved on...thought of black and white movies where the wheel would fall off, the sidecar swerve and then all resume merrily...whilst these thoughts were flowing cars flowed by us at 70 or 80, a three lane road...when the wheel went we could only hope that the car behind us would have decent brakes....we plodded on, the wheel remained, popping spokes in monotonous regularity, distressing geometries click clack....the wheel stayed on, we drank a beer...

nothing like as frightening as the attempt on rekong peo, but it was enough to wake you up....

and today athaya, a city of temples but lateish in...tomorrow a wander about here but moving north...

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