Replica of the Endeavour at Whitby

A fine morning, so we were up and away on our walk by 8.45 to enjoy the early sunshine. The Moors wore a blanket of grey clouds on their summits but above and all around the sky was a lovely blue. We intended to reach a viewpoint on the Moors but were thwarted by the lack of time so in the end we retraced our steps back to the cottage clocking up another 5 miles.

We intended to go to Whitby firstly to ride on a train from the North Yorks Moors Railway along the Esk Valley line to Grosmont and back. This journey has only been made simpler when a new second platform was opened at Whitby in August this year so that the Heritage Railway could share the track with Northern Rail services.

Alas it was not to be. A shortage of steam locos meant that the journey from Whitby to Grosmont was replaced by a bus and the onward trip to Pickering was by diesel. So we left it and as second best we went for a fish and chip lunch.

As a second best option it wasn't a bad choice. The fish and chips were excellent. I had the large fish, of course which was dispatched with relish. The batter crisp and tasty. Only the chips slightly let the meal down.

After that there was time to climb the 199 steps to view the Abbey and the town below and walk along the quayside to the end if the pier before it was time to drive back to the cottage.

This shot is of a replica of Captain Cook's ship Endeavour. A full sized replica at that.
Part of the James Cook Experience attraction in Whitby. Amazing to think this tiny vessel did so much. It seemed so insubstantial and incapable of going out very far into the North Sea let alone travel to the Pacific.

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