
By HowWonderful

Today I Made My Daddy Very Proud

Look at me in my first little football kit!
Ever since Mum was pregnant with me Mummy and Daddy have talked about whether I will be a football player and fulfil Daddy's dreams, or a rugby player and make Mummy very pleased. So today as I happily wore my Liverpool FC onesie (thank you to our lovely friend Tara) and posed for photos, Daddy couldn't have been prouder (...and Mummy just can't wait to get me a Cornish rugby shirt now!). Mummy and Daddy are going to have to wait a few more years until I decide which sport I would rather play, or I guess I may have a go at both football and rugby. Either way I know they will both be proud of me whichever sport I choose.

P.S. Sorry to all my Aussie friends but to me football will always be football...not soccer!

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