
By Jeanettie6

The laptop has made a miraculous recovery! I mustn't get too excited though, as I've been ignoring a 'fan not working' warning message for quite a while now, so it has either got to go to the laptop hospital (a quote of about £100, possibly more) or splash out on a new one, which would probably be the best option.

I'll pop this photo on here sharpish though, before it blows up (I seem to remember saying the same thing a couple of months ago when the( (ignored) warning message first came up...I'm pushing my luck!) It's a photo of one of the 'Bus Art' buses that are going to appear around London (similar to the benches, elephants and eggs that were placed around the capital in the past). I got there just in time...this was the last one left as they were loading the rest on to a lorry to take away!).

Have jolly, blipping, fun weekends!

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