
By Skyroad

From Crow Crossing To Pigeon Street

Not really. Took the top shot at my old haunt/frame Blackrock DART bridge and then, after picking up the wean, this, near Brunswick Square in Blackrock, adjacent to the park where we'd taken Lola for some exercise. Every time I visit this place it seems cosier and friendlier. This time I noticed a grey-haired woman sitting in her doorway smoking. She looked a bit severe and/or pensive, but I said hello and she smiled, and when I mentioned what a nice square this was she agreed.

We weren't long in the park but I regard it as a triumph because the wean wanted to head straight home to his iPad. We managed to fling a few balls for Lola so she had a bit of a gallop, and the wean enjoyed it despite himself. When a light but insistent rain started to prickle down on us we called it a day.

On the way back to the car I noticed that one of the pavements was carpeted with pigeons. Someone (perhaps that woman) had left out crumbs for them.

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