
By Skyroad

Buried Factory

Beautiful evening. A quick visit to the south docks. On Pigeon House Road, near the travellers (who've brought in extra caravans and look well settled), I noticed a fox sunning itself. I stopped and got out, expecting it to vanish, but it only moved after I'd come quite close and shot a few frames. It look seriously unhealthy, poor thing. Probably not a great place for foxes, too much industrial crap around, poisoned water, etc.

Huge cargo vessel in, The Atlantic Olive, whose well-worn side I think I've photographed before (but not the bow). Despite the Ebola scare, a few days ago they allowed a vessel that had docked in Sierra Leone into port, on the south docks presumably. I'd thought of going in to photograph it, though they might not have allowed me onto the dock. I noticed that the online article about it didn't carry a picture so perhaps they had it cordoned off (though there was no mention of such precautions).

I took the above shot (of the power station chimneys half-blocked by the scrap metal mountain in the foreground), which I've taken before many times, because the light was so perfect. You can see a helicopter going past on the left, probably the rescue guys taking that climber who'd had a bad fall earlier today.

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