Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL

End of the Season

Today was both Mia and Owen's last games of the season. Both played right away in the morning. It was super cold this morning. As I drove Owen to the high school, we passed a pond. The steam was rising off the water, the fall leaves shown brightly through the mist, a small flock of geese waded on the surface and the rising sun peeked through the trees. It would have been the perfect photo, but we were late and couldn't stop. However, it inspired me to get my daily photo right away instead of waiting for the game to start.

This is Coach holding the tackle dummy for the kid who ended up scoring the last touchdown of the day. It was his only touchdown all season and it happened to be on the very last play of the game. Even though our team lost, all of the players rushed down to the end zone, lifted him up and carried him off the field.

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