Clark Tales

By cclark


Finally my first trip to Orkney to see LB. So excited to be here and I couldn't have got much further away from work, without leaving the country. I couldn't have landed in a more beautiful place.

Straight after landing LB and I took a wee walk around Kirkwall and had some lunch. We then headed off for a drive around the island, before stopping off at the Broch of Gurness. This is the view across from the beautiful neolithic sight.

We took a trip further around the coast and managed to catch the tide when it was out, to allow us to walk across to the Brough of Birsay.

We then headed back to the house where I met LB's parents for the first time. We had a great meal, prepared by Sue and drank the wine I brought, before I got a training session on how to play Carcossone!

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