Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Desperation blip

We had our first meeting with the White Warriors today. We decided that instead of the usual Beltane first rehearsal format of playing lots of silly names to get the group comfortable with each other we would throw them in at the deep end. We had planned to push them to breaking point. I turned up and asked who was there for some pain and torture and actually got a cheer. We made them run, we made them do sit ups, push ups, the plank and all manner of other exercises and they still wanted more.

In the second half of the meeting we went to the pub and laid down the law, our rules, terms they had to be able to meet to even be considered for one of those 16 places, and yet they lapped it all up, willing to continue. So much for the hope that numbers might dwindle after this session.

as I sat on the bus home at around 11:30pm I realised I hadn't got a photo for today. I raced time up the stairs, fired off a shot and this was the result. I guess it'll have to do.

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