Photos on the pier

Oh it's been a long long day! Getting up at 5 the journey to Bahir Dar, which is on the shores of Lake Tana. Our plan is to catch the cargo ferry across the Lake, which usually leaves on a Sunday and takes two days, but for some reason this week it leaves on a Monday, so we had to put all our plans forward by a day. Our hotel is on the lakeshore and we wandered down to the pier where I found this sign. I didn't let it stop me from taking photos :-)
By 3pm we were ready for a rest, but on impulse we accepted the invitation to go to see the Blue Nile Falls. The Blue Nile starts in Ethiopia and joins the White Nile in Sudan.
What followed was probably the bumpiest 26km journey I've ever been on, in a bus which was falling to bits. But the falls were worth seeing, even though a hydro scheme has reduced their original volume.
It was a bit of a rush job to get back to the road before dark - but unforgettable sunset as the crickets all started up and someone, somewhere out in the bush, was playing a flute. A small boat took us to the village where our car was waiting for that looooong bumpy ride back to the hotel.

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