The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


I was determined to get home in time for a walk with Gus over the Knott. I set off early from Southampton and was home not long after lunch. It was such a relief and joy to turn into the lane and to be greeted by Wifie and Gus. Once the car was emptied, Gus got into the boot as if to say "this car is going nowhere without me this time". He didn't take much persuading to go for a walk though. It was raining and the sky didn't look too promising, but as we reached the top of the hill, this is what we were presented with. I am so blessed to live here.

As for the Old Flyer, I shall do a more detailed update when I backblip yesterday's. I had mixed feelings leaving him behind still in hospital, but I have to be home and back at work next week. He has done so well this week, but he will miss the daily visits. He will have other visitors over the next few days, so I hope he won't be too lonesome sat in the ward. Let's hope he will be able to escape to the recuperation unit soon, though that will depend on a scarce bed becoming available.

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