'Cause you, you and I back together again...

Is the birthday day, of the one I luff.

To celebrate, we did things.

Last night K and I tried to kill him at the World Buffet. He was saddened that compared to us, he was a lightweight. He was in actual pain driving home. Sleep was good for neither of us.

When we got up this morning, we got inside the car and drove to the Burgh to meet with our baba who we haven't seen for a while... the attraction of nightclubs and volleyball, ceilidhs, studying (off course), means that she hasn't been home.

We left the car, wandered along to her flat; met the fourth flatmate, Dad changed the lightbulb, in the loo - for the last ten days they have been showing / toileting / washing in the light of their mobile phones :-) There was much cheering and celebrations.

And then, we walked into town, visited the Farmers Market, and then headed for food. Nom Nom.

Service was not excellent. I'm visiting trip advisor shortly.

Then Tooli made a pretty voice and asked if we might take her to ASDA for her "heavy shopping". Aw. How could we refuse. 2 miles back up the town again, into the car, off to ASDA and then back to her flat.

Then, joy of joy.... Boy Facetimed and the four of us were back together

Joy. Joy Joy.

A day with my luffs. Both Sides of the country, both sides of the Atlantic.

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