A young customer!

Craft Fair at “the big church” today. It was a warmer today, than last year when we just about froze!! The central heating is obsolete, so great attempts are under way to raise the money for a replacement system.

We were busy most of the day, with customers and people to chat to about the techniques I use to make the animals. I got the chance to see many old friends and work colleagues and catch up on the news.

This young lady is all of 4 weeks and is a poppet!! Mum chose a ballerina bunny for the baby, as it matched the colour of the pram.

By the time I got home I was absolutely wiped out and a bit achy, but my back stood up to all the activity reasonably well. I will be pleased to have a restful day tomorrow as I need to sort out a list of replacement animals I need to make, ready for the next Fair in November.

This young man came to say hello and tell me about his "Tigger" who is now called "Hobbes", from the Calvin and Hobbes books!!!

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