My Best Efforts - Year 3


My Favourite Elephant....

........which is not the image I had intended!!

Many moons ago, I had a "thing" for collecting elephants of all kinds - at one time I had in excess of 175! When I moved here, I had a really good sort out and just kept my real favourites. Most I took to the Hospice Charity Shop - rather tongue in cheek - was very surprised how pleased they were with them - they said that other folk really liked elephants too and they always sold them quickly!!

Anni came over this morning for her/our regular hair cut - we had lunch afterwards and then she suggested we go out and find a few images from which I could select something for todays Blip. It turned out to be a bit of catastrophe as far as the pictures I took were concerned!!

Transferring them from my camera, I promptly lost the lot and emptied my memory card into the bargain! My language at the time is unprintable!!! Pure carelessness on my part!!

So - you have my favourite elephant instead! Anni brought it back for me from one of their holidays many years ago - probably from Mexico - I really can't remember! He is very unusual as he is modelled in papier mache, lacquered and then hand painted.

So although I lost my pics - we did have a lovely run out - warm and sunny though the wind was beginning to get up -
even now, at 9.15pm, the temperature is 62Deg.F which is amazing!

Hope you are having a great weekend.

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