
By Lightfantastic

Abseiling Preparations

With the weather set fair for the day we the three of us took the day off for an expadiditon from Lymington to the Isel of wight. The last time Gofer & I were there was for one of the festivals many moons ago.
We caught the bus up to the New Battery overlooking the Needles. While exploring we noticed that several scaffolding structures were being erected out over the cliffs. On enquiring we were told that it was to do with some abseiling being organised by Red Bull. Can’t find anything on the web so best guess is it’s for a publicity shoot. It was particularly interesting for Gofer to be up here as he lived on the island until he was 7 but this area was still MOD and so off limits then.
We walked down to the Old Original Battery where we had lunch and had a good view of the abseiling preparations on the cliff s opposite. A couple of climbers had gone over the top and were slowly preparing the pitches.
After lunch we explored more and watched the TS Royalist and STS Tenacious head out past the Needles.

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