Early morning swim, steam and jacuzzi then another too big breakfast!

Then we headed out to Gloucester

# this apparently in an award winning car park!?@!?

# we came across the actual Tailors shop form Beatrix Potters tale...The Tailor of Gloucester I never realised it was based on a real event...By the way this isn't the Tailor but my very funny (not) brother in law!!!

# the Cathedral is massive, we spent ages there going up to the whispering gallery, down the crypt and round the cloisters....really stunning architecture.

# had a cuppa by the docks and then a stroll around.

Another swim etc session with Sue and an afternoon nap!!!!

#then the evening dinner and dance....very enjoyable

TODAYS SMILE:we won in the raffle and so did John and Sue!!! We also won another thing but that might go in Mum's direction.....sssshhh!

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