Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Little pieces of heaven

Since I'm stuck behind the computer making final changes to a PHP job today I'll not get out and about for many shots. As such it seemed like a good time to share my new discovery with everyone. this is the remnants of a bar of Amedei Chuao chocolate. It's a very indulgent treat given that it costs something like nine pence a gramme, but it's worth every penny. Part of the reason it's so pricey is that Amedei are commited to using rare breeds of cocoa which the bigger manufacturers tend to ignore and, more importantly, they pay sustainable prices for their cocoa.

If you're a fan of dark chocolate you really should try this at least once. I got mine from Harvey Nicholls so if you're passing check it out, just be sure to leave some for me.

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