Going down......

Went to visit Grandma toady. Munchie decided she wanted to play at Grandam's house which was fine by me. She had great fun playing on the stairs / on the piano and generally exploring. Went for a walk into town, Munchie walked really well there, enjoyed the trolley ride around Tesco, but wasn't so keen on walking back so ended up being carried. Meltdown when we got back to the car, asleep by the bottom of the hill.

Went to the Golden Arches on the way home for quick lunch, Munchie work up just as I was placing the order. Me want nuggets was shouted very loudly when the man asked what we would like, even he laughed when she shouted PLEASE too!

Quiet afternoon, played, went to get some bedding for the tortoises, to find the shop we had been told had some, didn't actually have any! annoying.

Tea / Bed / Bath / Roast in oven

Todays Blip is Grandma and Wom coming down the travelator!

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