Blue Angel

Big blue butterfly,
Always watching over me,
My canvas angel.

The day started with the dizzies but isn't ending with them thankfully.

This was a Sawston charity shop find, you can see why it had to come home with me! I had no idea where I was going to hang it when I bought it and for several weeks it rested against a chest of drawers in my bedroom.

It now resides over my corner desk, where I have seen a lot of it this afternoon, trying to deal with an overload of spam visits to the blog site. Also trying to get some writing done so that after a week of National Chocolate Week indulgence, my readers aren't left with blank pages.

Just to remind me that it's definitely Autumn, the boiler is playing silly beggars again but I'm one step ahead this year, the plumber is already booked for Wednesday!

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